Mar 03 2023

Work While It Is Day!

Three months ago, East Asia suddenly canceled its strict anti-COVID policy. This caught us by surprise. The unexpected relaxation of restrictions led to a nationwide explosion of cases. All our teachers and family members, plus most of our training partners and students, got infected. With no teachers available or students to teach, we had no choice but to stop training again. As a result, we were unable to attain our original goal of running 40 training sessions and graduating 100 students last year.

Despite our initial disappointment, we felt relieved knowing that most who were affected did not fall seriously ill. Thank God for smooth recoveries with minimal after-effects. Indeed, human life is more precious than anything else!

What is the long-term impact of these setbacks? While we are not entirely sure, it doesn’t appear to be completely unfavorable for the time being. As SALT’s head trainer, Joseph, explains, “The immediate benefit is that we can now arrange training much more conveniently than during the last three years when frequent nationwide lockdowns often forced last-minute changes to our schedules.”

Actually, more than ten trainings have been scheduled from mid-February to mid-March, which has been unthinkable since the first outbreak of the pandemic in early 2020. Not only has our training ministry gradually recovered, but also the long-suspended church services across East Asia.

“After measures were lifted, COVID spread out of control at first. However, conditions grew more stable after the Lunar New Year. The church thus seized the opportunity to resume physical worship as well as various other gatherings. Everyone was thrilled and cherished this chance to worship in person again,” Joseph happily reports.

However, the general climate remains uncertain. Church activities are still being heavily monitored. How will this develop in the future? No one can tell. What we can do is continue looking to the Lord, leaning on Him, and embracing each moment so that we may fulfill His commission.

“As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me.
Night is coming, when no one can work.” (John 9:4, NIV)

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