

Thank you for your prayerful support


  1. Pray that God will grant wisdom to every SALT trainer as they teach.
  2. Pray for divine protection over every teacher, student and staff at the various training sites.
  3. The revision of Old Testament Survey 4 (OT4) will be completed by the end of this month. Pray that God will use the revised OT4 to edify and equip believers and churches across East Asia.
  4. SALT ran a moderate deficit during the first half of 2024. Trust with us for God’s provision so that the ministry may proceed without hindrance.


  1. We had a successful board meeting last month. May the Lord lead us to implement the decisions taken in the meeting so that the ministry can continue to develop.
  2. Due to the busy farming season, SALT training will be suspended this month. Please pray that all teachers will renew their strength after the break.
  3. The revision of Old Testament Survey 4 (OT4) has entered into the final stages. Two field tests have been arranged in June and July. Please pray that both field tests will be  successfully completed.


  1. Pray that the Lord will protect our SALT trainers teaching at different sites this month.
  2. Our Board of Directors will meet later this month. May God preside over the proceedings, and empower us to achieve resounding results for His glory.
  3. We are finalizing the revision of our Old Testament, Part 4 course (Ruth through Esther). Pray that this revamped curriculum will bless churches and believers across East Asia.