Mar 06 2024

Leaving a Legacy: Laboring for the Lord

How does a recently retired SALT trainer spend his time? Lounging around the home, leisurely strolling the streets, or learning new hobbies?

Not so for Max who has chosen to press on and labor for the Lord! Max joined SALT as a first-generation teacher back in the 1990s and served faithfully for more than 20 years. After officially retiring two years ago, he not only refused to rest, but started afresh in his hometown where he continued to transfer SALT courses on a different track.

Max remains close with our SALT team. When manpower is tight, he willingly steps in to teach on our behalf. With his wealth of experience, he also systematically teaches SALT courses in surrounding churches, developing a new generation of church leaders.

Under the scrutiny of authorities for years, Max could have finally retired in peace to enjoy a stable life. Yet he was not content with this option. On the contrary, he insisted it was his ongoing duty to hand down the truths of the Bible. Now, even at great risk, he adopted the SALT training model and helped launch a new unofficial Bible school in his home region.


“Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies,
it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”
(John 12:24, NIV)

For this we are most grateful, as the overall environment across East Asia remains bleak. Strict monitoring makes it almost impossible for overseas teams to come teach. Those who can come are not able to reach grassroot churches, especially in rural areas. That’s why it would be a game-changer if Max could raise up another indigenous team of trainers for the sake of the East Asian church.

We pray that in the years to come, more like Max will stand firm against all odds, daring to forge ahead and spread God’s teachings, leaving a legacy of laboring for the Lord.


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